
Maintenance Kits

Care Packs


HP P1606
$179.99/30,000 (5yrs)

Yield = 2100


HP 2 YR Care Pack
(12,000 pgs.)

Per Page Cost
500 pgs/month
250 pgs/month
100 pgs/month

OfficeJet Pro 8500
$249.99/30,000 (5yrs)

BLK $35.99/2100
CLR $ 25.99/1400
BLK = $.017
C = $ .019
M = $ .019
Y = $ .019


HP 2 YR Care
(12,000 pgs.)

Per Page Cost
500 pgs/month
250 pgs/month
100 pgs/month

Brother I-Fax-2820
$179.99/30,000 (5yrs)

Yield = 2500

Drum Unit
Yield = 1200

1 SVC Call
In 3 Years

Per Page Cost
500 pgs/month
250 pgs/month
100 pgs/month

Dell 2330dn
$259.99/30,000 (5yrs)

Yield = 2000

(50,000 pgs.)

Dell Service
(30,000 pgs.)

Per Page Cost
500 pgs/month
250 pgs/month
100 pgs/month

Lexmark E260d
$199.99/30,000 (5yrs)

Yield = 3500

Drum Unit
Yield = 30,000

3 YR Extended
Onsite Service
(30,000 pgs.)

Per Page Cost
500 pgs/month
250 pgs/month
100 pgs/month

The Top 5 Benefits of Our Program
  • 1

    Keep your money where it belongs

    Use our money, not yours! This advanced automated solution prevents you from having the need to keep your money on the stock room shelf! We’ll manage your entire fleet of devices and you can get out of the toner storage business. You only vpay for the pages that you make, as you make them.

  • 2

    Extend the life of your fleet - Proactive fleet monitoring

    It’s not hard to understand that if you take excellent care of anything it will last a very long time and serve your organization well. Refreshing and updating technology (like your printers) is usually a good thing as long as there are reasons to do so. You don’t want to spend money replacing devices that still have value to your organization. Asa partner just know that our US based “authorized technicians” will be monitoring all aspects of your printer fleet so your devices get exactly what they need “proactively”before they need it!

  • 3

    Improve office work flow - single invoice per month

    Have you ever taken a look into the accounts payables department? It’s unbelievable the number of invoices they receive. Companies today are spending enormous amounts of time and money stream-lining whatever processes they can to increase productivity and push their competitive edge. Our Monitored Supplies Program reduces all inbound supply invoices to a SINGLE MONTHLY INVOICE. That’s a significant productivity gain and aligns with most corporate stream-lining initiatives!

  • 4

    Eliminate unnecessary expense

    Employees today are busy! As companies continue to lean out their workforce each employee has just enough time to focus on their personal responsibilities much less track how many extra toner cartridges are in the stock room. For these reasons companies are spending way more money than necessary on emergency purchases at the office supply store buying emergency supplies needed. Sadly they end up paying the full retail price and usually buy more than one so they don’t run out again! Our monitored supplies program completely eliminates this dilemma. In simple terms we let your printers talk to our shipping department and the order is on its way. The Monitored Supplies Program delivers your toner successfully 99.7% of the time, and always before its needed.

  • 5

    Refocus IT resources

    Whether your company outsources IT, or operates an internal group, those resources are just too valuable to have them focusing on lower level printer problems. Some industry experts estimate that IT spends 27% of their time on printer related issues. In either case, the Monitored Service & Supplies Program eliminates the need for IT to engage on lower level issues.

Next Steps
  • 1 Sign Mutual NDA

    2 Discover Volume

    3 Collect Current Costs

  • 4 Replacement Plan

    5 Present proposal

    6 Agreement

  • 7 Implementation

    8 Success

Cost Savings • Visibility • Control

Our automated service and supply maintenance agreements help our clients combat the ever increasing and mostly invisible costs associated to putting image on paper. Even today with hard copy printing supposedly on the decline, our programs will save you money and time. We can move those supply inventory dollars back to your bank account and reduce the number of inbound invoices to a single monthly invoice. If you have an internal I.T. team our program will maximize your I.T. investment by keeping their focus on the highest company priorities. Finally our proactive care and monitoring of your print devices assures that they will last the full term of our agreement eliminating any unplanned expenses. Making informed decisions becomes very easy because these programs take care of everything! We look forward to working with you!